Here are a few pictures from some of our hosted trip we offer in Belize Central America.
Permit are a challenging fish to catch no matter where you target them. We have spent years traveling the tropics to find the best locations and lodges to stack the odds in your favor. Turneffe Flats in Belize Central America is hands down one of the best locations in the world to target these amazing fish. At Turneffe Flats you have the option of hunting singles, doubles on the outside flats either wading or from the boat. The lagoon inside the atoll will often offer shots at schools of permit ranging from 5-500 strong. Fish in these large schools can range from 5-40+lbs. Turneffe Flats also boasts great bonefish and tarpon however we primarily us this location to help anglers catch permit.
La Pescadora Lodge located in Punta Allen, Mexico is another favorite. Located on the southern most tip Punta Allen you are literally seconds away from the famed Ascension Bay. If you know anyone that chases permit you have probably heard of Ascension Bay. Once again, this location will offer opportunities to target singles and doubles along with large schools of fish. Permit in Ascension Bay can sometimes be a little trickier to locate however, when these fish are in the bay they are in there to feed. La Pescadora Lodge, Ascension Bay is not only an amazing permit fishery it also has year round tarpon, snook and bonefish. Whether you are in pursuit of your first saltwater experience, permit, grand slam or super slam La Pescadora Lodge will not disappoint.
We offer hosted trips to Belize Central America throughout the year. We would love for you to join use. If our trip dates don’t fit in your schedule we are happy to help arrange a trip just for you.
Shop/Guiding, 1-434-977-6882
Travel, 1-434-760-3474
1129 Emmet St
Charlottesville VA 22903